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Sunday 21 October 2012

Save water. It doesn't grow on trees

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Pre 2012 & Till Date

Post 2012
I will not say much as the above pictures are self explanatory and well understood. This is soon going to be a reality. A grim situation that the entire world will face sooner than later. Many people don't understand the importance of saving and conserving water. Most of the times taps are left open, buckets are over flowing, house maids keep tap open while washing utensils and so on. Moreover for our sole purpose of having fun and enjoying the festival of Holi we use water in a completely careless manner. Lakhs of litres of water is being wasted in the name of celebration. All this has to stopped. What is concerning me and makes me sad is that the so called educated class of people do such things. Inspite of creating awareness among people, the most educated class of people indulge in wastage of water. A time will come when there will be wars fought for the sole reason of getting their hands on water.
If I had the power to change something, I would change this callous attitude of people in conserving water. It is high time people start taking it seriously as it is rightly said "When you conserve water, you conserve life."
Spread the word. Educate the most educated and literate class of people first and more importantly educate yourself. Even a small drop of water counts, so put a stop to a drop.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Nice post
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  2. Thanks Vandana! Will be happy to see your footprints here :)

  3. yes right trees and human are depend on water only.. we need to save water..

    Anne Cole
    Waste Water Services
