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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Behind the closed door

Meetings held, plans finalised, behind the closed door
Promising to act accordingly with cash registers ringing
Giving last minute boost to go out with a huge roar
Picture Courtesy: Fotolia
Once focused mind never dwindling

Scripted actions take place
Without any fear or guilt
Ethics and character embrace
To cheat the morality once built

An open basket for all to amass wealth
Caste, creed and religion make no difference
A common man, a politician, all indulge in stealth
Laws, police, courts offer no hindrance

Time for the institutions to step up and act
Force open the door else see the gentleman’s game hijacked

Write Tribe Prompt

This post is in response to #WriteTribe Prompt 2 - Motivation and Support for Writers and Bloggers


  1. This one is thoughtful post :)
    dropping by from the write tribe blog
    Good day

  2. a very very different post and an absolutely different a take! a good read

  3. That's one vital message for the society at the whole. Thanks :)

    Dropping by from The Write Tribe blog...

  4. Nice reality bite.Indian cricket through some nefarious means besmirch the image of the country and the game.

  5. Hope it reaches to the concerned persons...

    And hearty welcome to our blog :)

  6. Thank you so much Richa!! You made my day. :)

  7. Hmm think before act! As it is rightly said.

  8. Thanks you Sir!! Indeed and time has come to clean up the mess.... BCCI needs to wake up.

  9. Nicely written. Loved the theme and concept :)
    And yes lovely blog too !

    Take Care

  10. Welcome to our blog Fatima!! Glad that you liked the blog and poem too! :)
