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Monday 7 April 2014

Exhilarating beauty

Into the day seventh of NaPoWriMo; the prompt for today is:

“We got rather complicated with yesterday’s prompt, so today’s is much simpler. Take a good look outside your window. Spend a minute or so jotting down all the nouns you see outside. Tree. Car. Bus. Dog. Then spend a minute or so writing down all the colors you see. Finally, think about taking place outside. Is the wind blowing? “Blow.” Is someone walking their dog? “Walk.” Spend a minute or so writing down these verbs. Now you've got a whole list of words from which to build a poem, mixing and matching as you go. Happy writing!” Easy prompt but too many choices, I wasn't sure if I would come up with anything. So here goes my attempt.

At first a Haiku and then a Cinquain Poetry introduced to me by Jaibala Rao. Thank you for letting me know such a beautiful form of poetry.

Sapphire Butterfly

Contour that accentuates

Bewitching beauty

Source: Google Images

And now the Cinquain Poetry.


Exotic blush

Ravishing, Perky, Fiery

She is breathtakingly beautiful.



And below are my fellow #NaPoWriMo participants: - Jaibala - Hrishikesh - Preeti

Do visit the above links to read some awesome posts. Cheers!!


  1. Beautiful write Rohan both Haiku and Cinquian :)

  2. Amazing Beautiful Rohan...and thanks to think that I could Introduce you to something *wondering is it even possible*
