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Wednesday 28 May 2014

Our Dream

‘Savings is the only way that can lead us to our dreams.’ She had once admonished him on his spending habits, now reiterating it.

‘I don’t want our present to be affected while thinking about the future and moreover I believe in living to the fullest’, he reiterated his belief.

You and your beliefs! Sighed Nagma.

Pulling her closer, he whispered, and with a wide grin greeted her, ‘Happy Anniversary Darling!’

‘30 years of hard work, your support and ‘savings advice’ made it possible to own a beach house!’

With an overwhelming sense of achievement they cried, hugged, and celebrated.

Linking it to Write Tribe's 100 words on Saturday #15


  1. WoW! The aspirations and dream of every middle class family to own a beach house..simply ebautiful:)

  2. Love the feeling of accomplishment you've portrayed here, Rohan. Well done.

  3. And this too is a lovely take on the prompt, Rohan :) Savings and patience do help in fulfilling our dreams/wishes! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, both savings and patience is a virtue one must possess.

  4. Lovely take on prompt. Love happy endings.

  5. happy take ending on an inspiring and romantic note :)
