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Friday 12 September 2014

A Perfect Crime

Shailaja V is hosting a weekly blogging challenge From 15 to 50: Fiction Link Up-September 2014 and I am participating in it for some challenge.

So here it goes:

Three similar pots in increasing order besides every deceased body, an evidence or a planted one?

Her perspective changed, from suicide to murder. His remained focussed.

An extraordinary turn of events placed herself as prime suspect leading to her conviction.

A perfect three in a row for him!

Fate sealed.

Word count: 50

Word prompt: Perspective

Phrase prompt: Three in a row

Picture prompt: 

Photo Courtesy: Shailaja V/ The Moving Quill

Linking this to the Fiction Challenge ‘From 15 to 50′


  1. Great little story in the short word count. Very intriguing and I liked the twist.

    1. Glad that you found the story intriguing. Thank you for dropping by.. :)

  2. wow..I liked this intriguing tale. Nice use of the prompts.

    1. Thank you so much Uma! Glad that you liked the story. :)

  3. Gave me the shivers, Rohan! I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

    Thank you for linking this up!

