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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Verses Challenge - 2

Welcome to "Verses @ PonderingTwo".

It's a new day and a new challenge. 

But before we begin, let me brief you again what is Verses @ PonderingTwo all about.

So what is it?

Every fortnight I will put up a prompt along with a particular type of poem on which you have to creatively write a poem.

What you have to do?

1) Write a poem based on the given prompt. (Scroll down for the prompt)

2) Upload the post to the linky given at the end of the post.


1) All poems must be freshly written and original.

2) Include the line "Linking this post to the poetry challenge at Verses @ PonderingTwo" and hyperlink it to the current post.

3) Also copy paste the Logo i.e. the above Picture, at the end of your post.

4) Only ONE link per blog is allowed.

5) Only ONE poem per post is allowed, be it even the smallest of the poem. So give your best shot.

6) Also, one Tweet and one Facebook update sharing your post is mandatory. Also while sharing it on Twitter and Facebook use the hashtag #VersesAtPonderingTwo for being easily noticed.

Total Three winners will be selected (provided the entries exceed a minimum of Five) out of the total entries and they will receive a Winner's Image to flaunt it on their blog.

The Prompt

You have to write an ABC poem, theme being 'Celebration'.

ABC poem is a series of lines which depicts a mood, picture or feeling such that the first line starts with alphabet A, the second line starts with alphabet B and so on.

The Challenge

Write an ABC poem using all the alphabets from A till Z
(i.e.The poem will have 26 lines starting from A and ending at Z)


Use all the words: Cutie pie, Foxy and Hug in your poem
(The lines should Not necessarily begin with above words)


Use both the above challenges into your ABC themed poem.

Hope you liked the prompt and have a great time penning your poem. Ready steady Po!

Kindly add your links to the linky given below.

P.S. The idea is derived from +Shailaja V who blogs at The Moving Quill

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