- PonderingTwo I Want To Take My Blog To The Next Level #Blogchatter ~ Pondering Two The title of your home page

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

I was tagged by Vikram to write this post.

Hola everyone. Hope you and your blog/s is/are doing good. In case it is not, then I welcome you with wide open arms under the umbrella which is labelled as 'I Want To Take My Blog To The Next Level.'

In the below video, you will clearly see my condition when it comes to blogging and the reason why I want to take my blog to the next level.

So if you are also with me, surviving under the same umbrella as me and wants to take your blog to the next level, then let us stand united and come out with some tried and tested solutions to it. What's say? Are you game in this?

I now tag Karan to write his take on the topic.

I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter 



  1. Rohan, this was such an awesome video! Great idea! Blog together, blog better right Rohan? Good to have you as a blogbuddy!

    1. Thank you so much Kala. Happy that you liked the video. For the first time, I tried something different and thought of creating a video. Absolutely, blog together, blog better. Same here Kala. :)

  2. Such a unique idea. We all want to take our blog to the next level!
